How do you gurantee the perfect win?
Practice? Hardwork? Try also Visualization!
We train our best and develop the right stamina, speed, strength, and techincal prowess. But what falls short just before the competition? Our confidence level! Our concentration! Our self-belief! And our Mental toughness! Yes, all these mental skills are reasons why the best athletes fall short despite being at their best. What is one trick that works?
A Mental Technique called Visualization!
How does it work?

That's how you Practice Visualization:
The Technique of Champion Athletes! 🏆
When you use mental rehearsal you practice your detailed movements and visualize the outcome repeatedly in your mind. This strengthen the neural connections in your brain linked to that movement. Your brain can’t differentiate between what actions happen in reality and what you visualize. The same neural circuits and motor circuits get activated. This helps you prepare your movements in your mind before you perform it. 🧠